Tuesday, June 26, 2012

alone moment

have you ever wonder if the person that always beside you is your true friend?
person that would laugh at your joke or hear your comment and complaint about things.
person that being your classmate or roommate who share same space together.

have you ever felt alone in your sadness with no one that came your mind to share it.
as you deal with it as hard as you can 'cause you never want them to see your fluffy red-eyes.
that feeling of helpless. the feeling i would felt in that moment exactly.

no matter how many friends you make. no matter how nice your soulmate.
your family would be the greatest people you could have in downfall times.
only them kept your secret safe. only them readily to comfort you if needed.

p/s: my mother always knew when im crying. as it so obvious shown through my eyes. love them~

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